Dehydrated vegetables, also known as dehydrated vegetables, are dried vegetables made by washing and drying fresh vegetables to remove most of the water in the vegetables. The original color and nutrient composition of vegetables remained basically unchanged. It is not only easy to store and transport, but also can effectively regulate the low season of vegetable production. When eaten, it can be restored by immersing it in clean water, and the original color, nutrition and flavor of the vegetables are preserved. Now you will see a lot of dehydrated vegetables in the market, but it has a good dehydrated vegetable processing prospect, so how do I start my dehydrated vegetable processing business?

If you want to start a dehydrated vegetable processing business in Ruoshui, you must know the production cost of dehydrated vegetables and the production process of dehydrated vegetables. The processing cost of a dehydrated vegetable processing plant includes: labor cost, site cost, plant construction cost, purchased equipment cost, various required costs and transportation costs, etc. All vegetable processing plant costs are planned, and then the dehydration vegetable process needs to be known.

Process flow of dehydrated vegetable processing

  1. Picking of raw materials, leafy vegetables should not exceed 24 hours from harvesting to processing, and the yellow and rotten parts are manually selected, and industrial picking belts can be used for picking and streamlined operations.
  2. Wash and remove soil and other impurities on the surface of vegetables. In order to remove pesticide residues, it can be used in vegetable washing machines, and ozone generators are added for sterilization and disinfection.
  3. Peel, root vegetables should be peeled. But export products generally need to be mechanically peeled, and must be put into clean water or color protection solution immediately after peeling to prevent browning.
  4. Slicing and forming, the vegetables are cut into certain shapes (grains, flakes), and the industrial vegetable cutting machine can realize this function.
  5. For blanching, hot water is generally used for blanching. The water temperature varies with the variety of vegetables, generally above 100 °C; the time varies from a few seconds to a few minutes.
  6. Cooling, it should be cooled immediately after the bleaching (water cooling or ice water cooling), the shorter the cooling time, the better.
  7. After draining and cooling, some water droplets will remain on the surface of the vegetables, which is not good for freezing, and it is easy to make the frozen vegetables agglomerate, which is not conducive to the next vacuum drying. The method generally adopts centrifugal drying.
  8. The final drying can be done by using a continuous mesh belt dryer.
  9. Packing, vacuum packing with double-layer plastic bags. Due to the oxidative browning of the product, it can be packed with nitrogen, and then put into the outer carton for storage and storage.

We are a manufacturer of dehydrated vegetable processing equipment, if you want to start a dehydrated vegetable processing business, please contact us, we will provide you with solutions and equipment.

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