Often referred to as the “King of Fruits,” mango is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a versatile ingredient in numerous culinary delights around the world. However, before these golden gems make their way from the orchard to our tables, they are rigorously cleaned and processed in factories to ensure they meet strict hygiene standards. This blog post takes an in-depth look at the various cleaning methods of mango used by the fruit processing industry to sterilize mangoes to maintain their freshness and safety without compromising flavor.

  1. Pre-harvest field practice
    The journey of cleaning mangoes begins even before harvest. Many facilities enforce good agricultural practices (GAP), which include keeping orchards clean, pruning regularly to improve air circulation, and using safe pesticides to minimize soil or air contamination.
  2. Preliminary classification and cleaning
    Upon arrival at the factory, the mangoes are first sorted to remove any visibly damaged, overripe or unripe fruit. This step is crucial as damaged mangoes may contaminate other mangoes during the cleaning process. Selected mangoes are then given a preliminary wash with clean water to remove surface dirt, dust and loose debris.
  3. Mechanical cleaning
    In order to achieve thorough cleaning, the factory uses mango washing machine for cleaning. These systems use circulating water with added disinfectants such as chlorine or ozone to kill bacteria and fungi. The mango is passed through a series of nozzles or brushes, gently scrubbing away stubborn residue while ensuring the peel remains intact. Some advanced systems use air drying to remove excess moisture and prevent the growth of microorganisms after washing.
  4. Use food-grade disinfectants
    In addition to water, food-grade disinfectants also play a key role in the cleaning process. Chlorine dioxide is widely used due to its effectiveness against a broad spectrum of pathogens. Alternatively, organic acids such as citric acid or peracetic acid (PAA) solutions can be used because of their disinfecting properties and minimal environmental impact. These sanitizers are carefully formulated to avoid residue and preserve the natural qualities of the fruit.
  5. Drying technology
    After cleaning and disinfection, mangoes need to be dried in time to inhibit bacterial growth and maintain shelf life. Air drying tunnels or centrifugal spin dryers are common methods. The centrifuge spins the mangoes quickly, effectively removing excess moisture, while the tunnel uses warm forced air to gently dry the fruit.
  6. Quality control after washing
    The drying process is followed by a final quality check. Here, the mangoes are visually inspected again for any residual dirt or damage that may have been missed before. This step ensures that only the cleanest and highest quality mangoes are processed or packaged further.
  7. Packaging and storage
    The cleaned mangoes are then packaged in sterilized containers or bags, often using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) to extend shelf life. They are stored in refrigerated facilities at optimal temperatures to maintain freshness before distribution.

in conclusion
The cleaning methods of mango processing plants are comprehensive and meticulous to ensure that consumers receive safe, fresh and delicious mangoes. From the initial sorting to the final packaging stage, every step is carefully designed to maintain high hygiene standards. Understanding these processes not only highlights the complexities behind delivering raw fruit, but also emphasizes the importance of food safety practices in the industry. So the next time you bite into a juicy, sweet mango, remember the entire journey it has been through from the moment it arrives at your table – clean, fresh, and ready to delight your senses!

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